Friday, 15 June 2012

Find HIDDEN in Venice

B. Lloyd of Authors Anon added my novel to Book Crossing!

If you've never heard of the site before, it's a fantastic way of connecting people through their love of books, by releasing your favourite novels into the wild.

How it works:
You add a  Book Crossing label to a book you love and then you leave that book in a prominent place, such as a restaurant or a park bench, where someone can pick it up. The label has a unique ID so the recipient can go online and let you know they have the book. It can be passed on forever like this.

B. left my novel HIDDEN in a beautiful Venetian hotel called the Ai Mori - How completely glamorous and wonderful! I'm just hoping whoever picks it up can read English!

I think I might have to do a few of these book drops myself. It's such a romantic idea.
*huge swooning sigh*

What do you think of this idea? If you found a Book Crossing book, would you keep it? Or pass it on? Would you take the time to go onto the site and record it? I know I would.


  1. That's funny - I had my nails done this morning (very rare occurrence) and the manicurist told me she'd just picked a book up from the local forest cafe using this scheme. Sounds like a great idea!

    Am sure whoever picks up Hidden will be delighted :D

  2. Thanks Amanda. I'll have to select a few novels to leave lying around...

    PS. What colour are your nails? Mine are bright pink at the mo :-)

  3. There are a lot of English-speaking tourists passing through the hotel all the time - they even have BBC World on the TV in the lounge bar! I am pretty certain it will be picked up...I shall probably pop back in soon to nosey around and see if it has 'travelled' ;) :D ....

  4. Plum! (My nails...) Going for hot pink next time :)
