Friday 24 February 2012

WOOD SPIRIT - A New England Horror Story

Johanna Frappier is one of those authors who makes me envious with her whip smart originality and fantastic storylines. Her latest novel Wood Spirit is, in my opinion, her best book yet. It's spooky, grizzly and hilarious with a cast of characters so real I'm sure she can't have made them up. This book had me pinned to its pages.

We're introduced to ghostbuster, Sebastian Park, and it's not love at first sight - he's a self-proclaimed womaniser and con-artist. But when he's called to a job in the too-good-to-be-true town of Peachtree, the place works some kind of magic on him, making him question who he is and what he's doing with his life.

If you like your comedy black and your horror left-of-centre, then this is most definitely the novel for you. I give Wood Spirit five black blood-dripping stars.

Wood Spirit is available from the following places:


  1. I'm halfway through Wood Spirit and I totally agree with you, Shalini. To me, this just seems like a book already out there, number one New York Times Bestseller type of book. It's FANTASTIC... although admittedly, I'm not reading it just before bedtime ;)

  2. I did read it just before bedtime and that definitely enhanced the fright factor! More people should know about this book.

  3. LOL! When I read the first chapter, I was eating my lunch... EWW!! But yes, you're so right Shalini!!

    1. I had never heard of Wood Spirit before. But I like the idea of an antihero. A protagonist you don't particularly like. Its not something I do a lot of myself when writing. But when its done well, it can be a lot of fun.
      I have been working at an insane pace trying to prepare for my new book, Wolf Queen, to come out. Its a sequel to my first book A Bite is Forever Part 1. Its not exactly an ordinary take on these paranormal themes. Thanks for covering this book though. Wood Spirit sounds entertaining so I'll try to add it to my list of books I need to read.

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